boat trip from Oosterbeek

Veerweg, 6862 VW Oosterbeek

The safari ship De Blauwe Bever departs from two locations; in Oosterbeek and Arnhem, the participants get on board to sail to Loowaard. One experiences the merging of urbanisation and the river as the ship approaches Arnhem.

There is a lot of nature to be seen, also in the section through the city. The human interventions can be clearly seen, such as the space for the river, which was created to better withstand high water levels. The urban area is left after passing the Andrei Sakharov Bridge.

The trips take about two and a half hours and are always structured in the same way; 45 minutes of sailing, 45 minutes of excursion in a nature reserve and 45 minutes of sailing back again. Our trips always start and end at the same location.

The sailing and walking excursions are accompanied by expert guides. Our trips focus on everything that can be seen and experienced on the river, the banks and the surrounding landscape. On the outward journey, the guide tells you in detail about the river, the banks, the animals (mostly birds) and other details. Approximately halfway through the trip, the ship moors and you go ashore over the long gangplank with the guide for the walk through the nature reserve. Good footwear comes in handy here, as river banks are often marshy. During the walk, the guide regularly stops to look at the special plants and gives explanations. He also points out traces of the riverbank dwellers.

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